Artifact [77c095b780]

Artifact 77c095b7801e9be2006c277b696241e14833886d:

Wiki page [Checking out the Repository] by rkeene 2013-03-26 22:23:04.
D 2013-03-26T22:23:04.296
L Checking\sout\sthe\sRepository
P c77a8175134350ea094e816adc1e67dbe9c48eba
U rkeene
W 445
DACT's source code is maintained in a <a href="">Fossil</a> repository.  To check out the DACT fossil repository you will need a Fossil client, which can be obtained at:
<ul><li><a href=""></a></li></ul>

Checking it out is easy:
   #  <tt>$ fossil clone dact.fossil</tt>
   #  <tt>$ fossil open dact.fossil</tt>

Z fc13d2e381513ab961c0686bbb4ec42a